Espoon Eläinfysioteria (Animal physiotherapy in Espoo, Finland) proudly presents video analysis service for preparing tailored physical exercise programs for dogs remotely.
Video analysis is made by Ulla Tuomi who is educated as animal physiotherapist and trains agility with her own dogs. The main purpose of the service is to increase performance (speed, strength and safety) of the dog under analysis. Analysis is done by spotting instances from videos where movement fluency breaks and analyze reasons behind these moments. By analyzing the actions this way, possible physical weaknesses can be found and already strong areas spotted. The tailored three week physical exercise program will be conducted based on the findings from the video analysis and is therefore individually tailor-made for each dog.
In order to compose the individual exercise program, regular videos from competitions or exercises are needed. These need to be provided by using a cloud service (youtube, onedrive, dropbox, etc). Videos shall include all obstacles that the dog has been trained to perform and it is best if videos include also approaches from different angles so a thorough analysis can be made.
The price of the service is 40 euros.
Service includes:
- Video analysis with written report
- Tailored physical exercise program
- Remote support vie e-mail for performing exercise program
You can pay service with Paypal (you do not necessarily need own Paypal account for this) by using below link. Use your dog’s name as message!
Pay 40 euros to Ulla Tuomi/@espoonelainfysio by clicking this link
You can also copy paste to your browser.
After paying, send an e-mail to
Email should include your email address, your dog’s name (which is included in Paypal payment message), age, gender and links to videos. Use “Remote video analysis of *dog name*” as a topic, example: Remote video analysis of Hayley.